and reduce your ink and paper costs too!
Are you tired of printing reams and reams of paper, or sending your Word documents/Excel spreadsheets as email attachments, and then worrying if the recipient is going to change something that they shouldn’t?
If so, the CutePDF is the tool for you! Visit and download their free version (you’ll see advertisements) of CutePDF.
CutePDF is nothing more than a fancy “printer” which you’ll select when you go to print something, choose a location to save the document, and give it a name and “poof” you’ve got a .pdf file.
Just as an aside; if you use our software, you can print your certified payroll reports and aia billing to .pdf files and then send them as email attachments.
- Download and install CutePDF, using the link above
- From the Print window in our software, click the Select Printer button
- Choose CutePDF from the list of available printers
If you print each certified payroll report and/or AIA Draw individually you can save them to different job folders.