Freebie Friday – QuickBooks Premier 2011, the Official eGuide

Freebie Friday’s are all about valuable Free eBooks and eGuides, sometimes they are eBooks that we’ve created and other times they are eBooks that we’ve found on the web that we feel are valuable and could be of interest to you.

QuickBooks Premier 2011 The Official eGuideBack in the “old days”, when you purchased QuickBooks it came with a manual – yup, that’s right I said a manual – an actual honest to goodness manual bound as a softcover book.  I have a bunch of old ones hanging around.

QuickBooks doesn’t come with a printed manual anymore, but there are manuals available in eBook form – downloadable pdf’s, you just have to know where to look for them.

You can find manuals for QuickBooks Premier, Enterprise, and Mac versions straight from Intuit’s support area at, once this page loads click on the plus sign next to QuickBooks 2011 Guides – and you’ll find them.

You can also get eGuides for older versions of QuickBooks from this same link for QuickBooks 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any eBooks or eGuides for QuickBooks Pro users, but you can download the Premier version eGuide or use the built-in Help.

Premier users can also find the link for this eBook directly within the QuickBooks software, by going to the Help menu -> choosing Learning Center Tutorials -> and clicking on the What’s New tab.

Have a great weekend and check back next week to see what is being offered on Freebie Friday!