QuickBooks Tip: How To Create a Summary Invoice for Customers

8 thoughts on “QuickBooks Tip: How To Create a Summary Invoice for Customers

  • Chris

    Job total balance = new Job Charges
    Customber Total Balance = new Job charge + any past due

    I don’t see anywhere on the template for these? Anyone?
    Previous Balance = ?
    Previous Payments = ?

  • Hi
    Well, the standard Intuit Service Invoice (and perhaps others as well I just happened to grab that template) will allow you to add Payments/Credits, Balance Due, Customer Total Balance and Job Total Balance to the footer section of the invoice. Go play around with that template and see what you can come up with.

  • Ghana

    Is there a way to include an account summary on an invoice? (like the aging at the bottom of a statement).
    I would like to include any “past due” payment info. on the invoice, but have no idea of how to this.

    HELP, please!

  • Tony
    Select either the “Detail” or “Summary” group item when you create the estimate – you’ll always see all the detail but your customer gets to see the amount of detail that they require.

    When you are ready to invoice – you see all the detail no matter which method you use – you’ll also see all the detail on the “form” when you look at it in QB. The difference is how it looks when you actually print it out.

  • Anthony Proger

    I understand creating the two groups, thank you. A follow up question is would you put both into the estimate and fill out the one that is applicable? I ask this because when I create an invoice against an estimate it doesn’t seem to let me choose which group, it pulls up the estimate group. Am I doing something incorrect in my workflow?

  • Hi Tony
    Thanks for stopping by 🙂
    I do have a solution, even if it is rather inelegant; and that is to create 2 different groups one that will display the detail and one that will not. When I create these Items I add “D” for Detail and “S” for Summary to the beginning of the Item name. Then it’s a quick and easy selection of the proper group to create the Estimate and the correct level of detail arrives without frustration.
    I hope this helps.

  • Anthony Proger


    This was helpful. I have run into a new issue that is confusing to me and perhaps you can provide some quick insight.

    I would like to create estimates for work and invoice from those estimates. I want to be able to print the detail in the estimate but some customers only want a summary on the invoice and not the detail.

    I created my estimate using a group (with the individual items in that group) with the show details checked in my item group. I can print the estimate with the details. Then my thought process is edit the group and unchecked the print details for the invoices for those customers who don’t want details.

    The invoice doesn’t update with the new setting in the group. If i do it the complete opposite I get the exact opposite no detail on either one. I know there has got to be a way to accomplish this but it has me stumped.


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.



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