Weekly Wrap-Up: News You Can Use 5/25 – 5/31/2012


Weekly wrap-up of news and information from around the web – there’s so much information out there that it’s difficult (at best) to keep up! I’ve added a WordPress plug-in that grabs information from my Twitter stream to help me (and hopefully you as well) keep up with everything.   Look for the Weekly Wrap-Up: News You Can Use every Friday.  I’ll try to be consistent and organize the information into the same categories each week.

news you can use - weekly wrap-upAccounting & Taxes

eBooks, Webinars & Videos

QuickBooks payroll tipsPayroll, Certified Payroll & Prevailing Wage

QuickBooks tipsQuickBooks

Small Business, Organization & Productivity

construction newsConstruction

Social Media, Marketing & Website Design

Well, that’s a wrap for me this week.  My husband says that I spend WAY too much time in front of a computer working, so I’m taking the day off and will become a yard warrior.  Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!