There’s a new WH-347 Certified Payroll Report in town

And boy is it a beastly thing!

On 1/15/2025, we became aware of a new Federal WH-347 Certified Payroll Report from the U.S. Department of Labor, that is set to expire on 1/31/2028.

Bookmark this page on our main website and visit it often, as we will be providing weekly updates.

Ok, first off – have you seen and really looked at this new report, I mean REALLY looked at it?  If you haven’t seen it yet, but have only heard about it – get the form in pdf here from the Department of Labor website.

WH-347 Expires 1/31/2028

If you compare the form that expires 1/31/2028 to the form that was set to expire on 9/30/2026 – it’s easy to see that the changes are extensive and are specifically addressing fringe benefits for each employee:

  • how you’re paying them (in cash, as a credit, to the union)
  • how much you’re paying in fringes (the hourly rate for each specific fringe AND the total contributed for each employee on each specific job)
  • who you’re paying the fringe to (plan numbers)

It’s also asking to differentiate whether employees are Journeyworkers or registered apprentices and if they are registered apprentices through the U.S. DOL Office of Apprenticeship or a State Apprenticeship Agency, as well as the name of the Apprenticeship Program.

This is no easy undertaking (creation of a new form template, hours of coding changes, and then testing, debugging, and documentation) and we are working diligently to produce the required information in a format where the data will fit on a letter-sized piece of paper and is is actually readable. 

A timeline is hard to determine, as past experience with dealing with a time crunch on a Herculean task – such as this –  at a former employer our group had a canned response of “2 weeks, we’ll tell you when we start.” 

And then, the new administration may likely change things yet again.  Oh, boy!  ##$%@’em all!  That said, we have always believed the WH-347 should include fringe benefit information for each employee along with the payee/trustee it is being paid to as it then fulfills the fair treatment of labor.

We intend to release a report that contains all the required information, presented in a legible, easy to read manner – however, it may not look exactly like the form created by the U.S. DOL. – which, by the way is for Contractor’s Optional Use.

Stay tuned for further updates.

FYI, we are NOT the only software company that is trying to incorporate this new form, I’m sure we’re all scrambling to comply with this new requirement.