An Introduction to Progress Invoicing

Customers & Accounts Receivable, The "Sunburst" Website
Progress Invoicing (also called progress billing, percentage of completion billing, or partial billing) involves billing from an estimate (or Schedule of Values) over the course of time and could be considered a type of installment billing.  Progress billing is commonly associated with the construction industry; however, it is common in other industries as well. QuickBooks® Pro, Premier, and Enterprise editions all offer several options for invoicing and a Progress Invoicing function is also available. Some projects or jobs will require only a single invoice, others will require two invoices, others may require three invoices (one at the start of the job, one when you are 50% done, and the other when you are finished), other projects might require that you submit monthly progress invoices over the course of months or…
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Certified Payroll & AIA Billing Updates

Certified Payroll/Prevailing Wage, Customers & Accounts Receivable, The "Sunburst" Website
We've been testing, debugging, and documenting numerous certified payroll and AIA billing updates for the last few weeks - I've posted some of the information behind the changes here in our blog. Today, I just send out a newsletter to over 2,000 construction companies (in all 50 states) who use our software - Glad I use Constant Contact to keep everyone up to date, otherwise they would get me for spamming :-) Below are highlights from the newsletter. Certified Payroll Solution Updates: There are several new enhancements, changes, and requirements available for Certified Payroll Solution; some at the State level for certified payroll reporting and others at the Federal level for EEOC Reporting - each item has a link to our website where you will find complete instructions.  Be sure…
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New FHWA-1391 & 1392 Annual EEO Forms For Highway Contractors

Certified Payroll/Prevailing Wage, Construction News, The "Sunburst" Website
New FHWA-1391 & FHWA-1392 Federal-Aid Highway Construction Contractor's Annual EEO Reports were released by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in June 2010. Purpose of Forms FHWA-1391 & FHWA 1392 The purpose of the Contractors Annual EEO Reports are to collect employment data (including a breakdown of all racial/ethnic minorities and women employed) from ALL highway construction contractors who are working on a Federal-Aid Contract of $10,000.00 or more during a specific “annual” reporting period. Form FHWA-1391 is filed for individual jobs while form FHWA-1392 is a total of all jobs being submitted. The information included on these forms provides valuable information that is used by both Federal and State Governments in evaluating the status and effectiveness of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program.  It is extremely important that accurate data…
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Texas Department of Transportation Requires Electronic Certified Payrolls (E-Payrolls)

Certified Payroll/Prevailing Wage, Construction News, QuickBooks Add-Ons, The "Sunburst" Website
The Texas Department of Transportation, like many other state agencies, is requiring electronic submission of certified payroll reports, through its Electronic Project Records System (EPRS). TxDOT EPRS provides contractors with multiple functions which they can utilize; however, one of the primary functions of the EPRS is that of collecting Electronic Certified Payrolls (E-Payrolls), instead of requiring contractors to submit paper certified payroll report forms for review. E-Payrolls may be uploaded into the EPRS from a contractor’s computer IF they have the proper information, in a specific data order, and it is a .CSV file format – otherwise the contractor will have to take his printed paper certified payroll report and manually input it in the EPRS System. Some software companies are updating their payroll systems to provide their construction clients…
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Frequently Asked Questions – California Prevailing Wage

Certified Payroll/Prevailing Wage, Construction News, The "Sunburst" Website
California prevailing wage laws and certified payroll reporting requirements are quite complex and can be mandated by any of the following agencies or organizations, each with their own unique set of reporting requirements. The California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and the filing of Form A-1-131. The California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) and the filing of a modified WH-347 form. The U.S. Department of Labor and the filing of a standard WH-347 Form. Electronic filing requirements on specific construction projects through the use of LCPtracker, TRS Consultants, and/or Elation Systems, Inc. D-BAS Labor Compliance Software. Additional "paper filing requirements" by Labor Compliance Organizations, such as, Golden State Labor Compliance, LLC or CalLCP. Electronic filing requirements being introduced on August 1, 2010 through the California Department of Industrial Relations Compliance Monitoring…
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California DIR – New Prevailing Wage Compliance Requirements for Contractors

Certified Payroll/Prevailing Wage, Construction News, QuickBooks Add-Ons, The "Sunburst" Website
Beginning August 1, 2010 contractors working on public works construction projects in California will find that they are subject to the regulations of the Public Works Compliance Monitoring Unit (CMU) – part of the California Department of Industrial Relations - in accordance with State Senate Bill X2-9, that was signed into law in February 2009. The CMU will conduct the required monitoring and enforcement of the states public works prevailing wage laws on specific state bond funded and/or design-build procurement construction projects undertaken by public entities in California and awarded on or after the effect date of the regulations – August 1, 2010. The California Department of Industrial Relations Compliance Monitoring Unit’s mission is to ensure that workers on state bond funded and/or design-build procurement construction projects are being paid…
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Calculating & Displaying Fringe Benefits on a Certified Payroll Report

Certified Payroll/Prevailing Wage, QuickBooks 2010 - What's New?, The "Sunburst" Website
One of the biggest causes of confusion for contractors working on government funded construction projects is “how to calculate and display fringe benefits” on a certified payroll report. In recent months, I have repeatedly seen posts from QuickBooks users on the Intuit Community Forums asking how the fringe benefit rate is calculated and then displayed on the Certified Payroll Report in Excel, which is now a standard function of QuickBooks Premier and Enterprise when used in conjunction with Enhanced Payroll, and I really haven’t seen any good responses.  Hence today’s blog post. Background: Contractors who work on government funded construction  projects are required to pay their employees a “prevailing” rate of pay; based on where the project is located and the type of work they are performing.  This “prevailing rate…
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QuickBooks Payroll Tip – Changing Hourly Wage Mid-Week

Payroll Tips, QuickBooks Add-Ons, The "Sunburst" Website
A reader wrote to ask the following QuickBooks payroll question. How can I change the hourly wage for employees (and their OT rates) in the middle of a pay week when using QuickBooks? I have 54 union employees that I have to do this for due to an hourly wage pay scale increase. Oh, and I will also need to change some of the company paid union fringe benefit amounts as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer: There are a couple of ways that you can accomplish this when using QuickBooks, however, because you are dealing with union hourly wage rates, it really depends on: Are you still working on contracts that will use the existing hourly rates of pay and fringe benefit amounts? Are the new hourly wage rates for contracts that…
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The History of Prevailing Wage

Certified Payroll/Prevailing Wage, The "Sunburst" Website
  The act is named after its sponsors, James J. Davis, a Republican Senator from Pennsylvania and a former Secretary of Labor under three presidents, and Representative Robert L. Bacon another Republican from Long Island, New York. The Davis-Bacon act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Herbert Hoover on March 3, 1931. Prevailing wage laws have been the focus of public policy debate at the federal and state levels for decades. They are intended to protect workers and communities by ensuring that contractors compete on the ability to perform work competently and efficiently while maintaining community compensation standards. Prevailing wage laws require that construction workers on public projects be paid the wages and benefits that are found to be “prevailing” for similar work in or near…
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QuickBooks for Contractors Newsletter – June 2010 Edition

The "Sunburst" Website
The June 2010 edition of the QuickBooks for Contractors Newsletter, published on a quarterly basis by Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc. is now available. This quarters newsletter is all about job costing equipment in QuickBooks: Determining Equipment Costs per Hour - explains how equipment costs-per-hour is determined by adding together three (3) distinct pieces of information. Equipment Cost Calculator - an Excel spreadsheet designed to calculate the ACTUAL hour rate it costs you to have a specific piece of equipment on the jobsite.  The spreadsheet has formulas, based on the calculations in the article above. QuickBooks Tips & Techniques - Advanced Job Costing - Getting Equipment Costs into Job Costing Reports - a FREE 17-page eBook which guides you step-by-step in getting your equipment costs into your job costing reports. Get…
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Join our “QuickBooks for Contractors” Group on LinkedIn

Be A Better Bookkeeper, The "Sunburst" Website
Using QuickBooks in the construction industry can be a daunting task. There is not a lot of construction specific help available for QuickBooks users and the accounting professionals who support them. That's one of the reasons that we've decided to start a "QuickBooks for Contractors" Group on LinkedIn - please feel free to join us - You can also follow Sunburst on: FaceBook at Twitter at
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