Boy, It Sure Has Been BUSY Around Here!

"Maad" Rants & Other Stuff
  Help!  I've fallen into the "I'm just so busy" trap and I can't get out!  What with certified payroll reporting requirement changes, taxes, support calls, blogging, and all the other things that I do; I find that I've fallen into that "I'm just so BUSY" trap that many people talk about.  See what I'm doing about it. People often ask me how I manage to get everything done - it's easy!  I work from 4 or 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, then I slack off on Saturday and Sunday cause I only work from 5 or 6 a.m. till noon!  Seriously, that's how I manage and frankly I'm pretty burnt out! Urban Dictionary has some great definitions of the term busy, you'll have to visit Urban…
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