What Are DB File Fragments and Why Do I Get Them in My QuickBooks File?
Whenever you press the F2 key in QuickBooks, a window pops up that tells you a lot of things about your company data file. One of the numbers you see is “DB File Fragments”. What’s that? [caption id="attachment_3718" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image courtesy of nuttakit / https://www.freedigitalphotos.net/"][/caption] DB file fragment is basically a measurement of how much your company file changes. It reflects how much and how often QuickBooks messes with it. This is not something peculiar to QuickBooks files. With any file in Windows, as changes to the file happen on the hard drive, Windows sometimes keeps segments of data together, and sometimes Windows will assign segments of data somewhere else on the drive. That “somewhere else”, in QuickBooks, is a DB file fragment. When you restore a portable copy,…